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When you come to your first Mythic Blade Sword Academy class, you might have some questions about what to bring or what to expect. Here are the things you need to know.


Table of Contents

  • Space is Limited

  • Where to find us

  • What to bring with you

  • What is the training and sword fighting like?

  • Do we do any sparring?

  • Is there a fee for the first night?

  • Are your classes suitable for all ages?


Space is Limited

While it isn’t a major problem for you to register at the last minute, space is limited & so if you want to ensure a spot in one of our upcoming classes please be sure to register ahead of time.


Where to find us

Our Classes meet at a private location in Gibsons, BC located in the Hopkins Landing Neighborhood in BC on the Sunshine Coast.


What to bring with you

In terms of fencing masks, gloves, and training swords, we have some equipment to borrow. No need to worry about any of this! However, if you do have your own fencing mask or other gear already, then please bring that with you.

Although we have a uniform of a T-shirt with our Academy Emblem, you don’t need to worry about it for your first session. Come wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that will allow for movement – jeans and denim are typically a bad idea. You should bring sensible indoor footwear; boots, high heels, and formal shoes are not recommended!

A bottle of water is also a good idea.


What is the training and sword fighting like?

Our approach to learning HEMA is to train it in a functional fashion, as a proper martial art. We usually begin with a gentle warm-up to loosen off the body and to get our heads in the zone, then we do some very simple solo drills or paired drills. These drills gradually increase in complexity over the course of the session. This means that sessions are entirely accessible to new people, while they still contain value for more experienced practitioners.

We are not a re-enactment club, nor do we do bohurt or HMB style fighting. We focus on reconstructing a particular kind of sword fighting from historical source material, and making that work in a functional and effective fashion.


Do we do any sparring?

Yes; sparring is an important part of our training process. We try to do this on a regular basis wherever possible.

The kind of sparring that we do is not particularly heavy-contact or competitive in focus.


We have some protective gear for our students to borrow, until they are able to get their own. We do not do sparring right away as first it is important to learn all of the different positions and safety measures. 


Is there a fee for the first night?

Currently, yes. We do ask for a pre-paid registration. We offer a package deal of 5 classes for $100-


Are the Classes Suitable for all ages?

We offer classes for youth age 13 to 17 and we offer adult classes. 



Thank you & Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions. 



604-989-0572  |

PO Box 82, Roberts Creek BC V0N2W0

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